Saturday is the big day. I will be 25. First of all I still feel like a child but I am getting old....I know 25 is not really old but I am half way to 30!!! And I have been around for a quarter of a century. That makes it seem a little worse. Earlier this year I kind of freaked out just thinking about turning 25, now that it is here I am not too worried about it. It is just a number anyways. I am ready for whatever year 25 has in store. Bring. It. On.
Tonight I am headed to dinner with my family at Killen's Steakhouse. Every year I put a lot of thought into where I want my birthday dinner to be. Usually I decide on a steakhouse or Mexican food. You can never go wrong with one of those choices. I am ready for a good steak & wine.
Also, Happy Birthday to this crazy kid. I cannot believe my little brother is 7 today!
Note to Self: Try not to take 2 weeks off of crossfit! Two weeks ago I was sick and then last week I was in Indianapolis...And I ate A LOT. Monday & Tuesday night really kicked my butt. The rest of my week is booked solid so I have some time to do a little running and stretch to help my poor muscles recover.
Monday's Workout
Front Squat 5×5 @ 85 lbs
5 Rounds
6 Shoulder to Overhead @ 85 lbs
400m Run
Tuesday's Workout
a. Snatch Grip Deadlift 5×5 @ 95 lbs
b. Ring Dips 5×5
Deadlifts 95 lbs
Jump Rope
Have a great Wednesday!
Well happy birthday month! :)