Friday, 25 October 2013


Oh what a great week it has been. Thank you Friday for finally showing up. I have been looking forward to seeing you since Monday! My schedule was pretty low key this week, same routine, nothing crazy went down.

Monday I hit up crossfit after work.
Strength: Front Squat
1×3 @135
1×3 @155
3×2 @165

WOD 10/21/13:“Cindy” 
20 Min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) I got 10 rounds and my body is still sore.
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squatsday

Tuesday I got dinner with friends after work. We had black bean burgers. Pretty delish. Again. I need to get it together and take more start taking photos.

Wednesday: work then crossfit.
Strength: Back Squat
1×5 @135
1×5 @145
2×6 @155

WOD 10/23/13: My time: 19:25
800m Run
40 Box Jumps
20 Ring Dips
40 Box Jumps
800m Run

Thursday evening I went to dinner with some ladies from work.

Tonight I will be playing softball with people from work. We formed this team about 3 months ago and we started off practicing and taking it pretty serious. After losing every game it is safe to say I am over it. It has been fun (kind of) and I am thankful that tonight is our final games. We are going to end the season with a record of 0-14. Great season guys. Great season.

Tomorrow night I am going to a Halloween party. I am going as the Sun Drop girl. Please tell me you know who I am talking about?! So many people have no idea who I am referring to. I realize this was so last season but I ordered the costume last year and it arrived 2 days after Halloween. And since I don't wear costumes on the reg I haven't worn it yet! So I am pretty excited to rock this and listen to Drop It Like It's Hot all night.

TGIF! I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!

Hands in the Air by Miley Cyrus on Grooveshark
I might as well just own the fact that I cannot get enough of Miley's CD. I love it. I listen to it every day. It keeps me awake at night because I cant get the songs out of my head. Cant Stop. Wont Stop.


  1. Yea losing every game is no fun, I would be over it too.

    No clue who the sunlit girl is, but have fun!

  2. I hate losing...especially every single game...on the bright side - have fun at your party!
